Broken all along…

Broken all along…

You know the saying, “the straw that broke the camel’s back”, think about that as you read

They had been living life but with a deep sense of emptiness

They kept wondering what was wrong because life as they knew it was fine

But there was just a cloud of sadness that they couldn’t seem to shake

There was nothing glaringly wrong

Yet the emptiness stuck. Sometimes morphing into sadness

It moved heavily like a cloud of play dough over their head and sometimes even inside their nostrils. Suffocating them till they had to do something to numb the feeling

Don’t think too far

The “something” was simple. It involved a dance that went like this – eat, watch a movie, eat, sleep, eat, call a friend, eat, start over

A seemingly normal but very ugly dance

But like it is with most not-properly-diagnosed illnesses that we self medicate, the feeling could only be numbed for a moment before it presented itself again and again in mild and extreme forms

One day they accidentally poured too much water in a bowl of cereal throwing off their desired water-to-milk ratio and that was it

All hell was let loose

They cried uncontrollably for hours

Their friends wondered if it was the same (cereal) event that had caused this much of a reaction

Of course they couldn’t wrap their head around it

What they didn’t know was that the subject had been broken all along.

There had been multiple cracks in the beautiful glass ornament that was the subject and their essence had sipped out slowly over the course of time

They had only stayed together all this while by some strange hand of God

But because they hadn’t known they were broken, they hadn’t sought to be glued back by the one who can fix all things

A small wind came in the form of a misplaced water:cereal ratio and all pieces came crumbling down

People around only witnessed this crash but the subject had been broken all along

Write soon xx